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阿迪达斯与莱美LES MILLS官宣全新品牌合作,开启健身训练新纪元

’大牌同款’/ ’5月9日’/

Two iconic sports brands join forces to shape a new age of Omnifitness training, combining the best of live and digital experiences for their members


Using innovative technology such as virtual reality, the partnership will accelerate the development of immersive and bespoke next-gen workout solutions



阿迪达斯与莱美LES MILLS官宣全新品牌合作,开启健身训练新纪元

Bolstered by adidas’ pioneering training collections, the high-performance pieces will be worn by LES MILLS instructors worldwide

上海 上海2023年2月8日——今日,阿迪达斯与莱美LES MILLS宣布建立全新合作伙伴关系,汇聚两大运动品牌的力量,融合创新技术与传承积淀,激励下一代训练爱好者共同开启健身训练新纪元。本次合作将致力于健身训练,推出一系列面向Z世代的线下与线上健身课程,引领“全场景综合化健身”训练的变革。通过将阿迪达斯adiClub与莱美课程体系相连接,为3亿多名adiClub会员提供沉浸式定制化健身训练计划。双方还将联合推出一系列专属福利,更多细节将在未来持续揭晓。

The collaboration will usher in a new age of fitness, combining innovative technologies with thrilling live fitness experiences to change the way the adidas community experiences workouts and inspire the next generation of training fans. Supported by adidas’ pioneering performance-wear training offerings.

Driven by a collective commitment to the sport of training, the collaboration is set to revolutionize Omnifitness workouts by offering enhanced experiences both live and digitally, in addition to a new series of Gen-Z focused programs. The partnership will connect adiClub and Les Mills by offering immersive and personalized solutions to over 300 million adiClub members. A range of exclusive benefits will also be available, with more details to be revealed soon.

Under the partnership, the latest high-performance adidas training apparel, footwear and accessories will be worn by the industry-leading LES MILLS global athlete network. Available for both instructors and the community alike, adidas have crafted collections and products to specifically support key activity pillars, including HIIT, Strength and Yoga.


阿迪达斯与莱美LES MILLS官宣全新品牌合作,开启健身训练新纪元
阿迪达斯与莱美LES MILLS官宣全新品牌合作,开启健身训练新纪元
阿迪达斯与莱美LES MILLS官宣全新品牌合作,开启健身训练新纪元


包括:Designed 4 Training系列™(D4T),力求在LES MILLS GRIT™等高强度运动中实现灵活自由的活动与透气的穿着体感;adidas Dropset运动鞋,搭载掌跟落差较低的双密度中底,致力于在BODYPUMP™等力量训练中改善体态、增强稳定性。同时,阿迪达斯运动内衣与紧身裤系列持续在为女子运动表现服饰的创新赋能,推出适合从BODYBALANCE™到BODYCOMBAT™等全场景健身的训练产品。

阿迪达斯与莱美LES MILLS官宣全新品牌合作,开启健身训练新纪元
阿迪达斯与莱美LES MILLS官宣全新品牌合作,开启健身训练新纪元
阿迪达斯与莱美LES MILLS官宣全新品牌合作,开启健身训练新纪元

Aimee Arana, adidas Global, General Manager, Sportswear & Training:“We’re very excited to partner with Les Mills, which is such an iconic brand in the health and fitness world. The partnership will enable us to embrace new technology that will combine the benefits of live training, with the capabilities of digital services for our adiClub members, all supported by our latest innovation in training apparel, footwear and accessories. As part of this venture, we are excited to create new and unique workout experiences that tap into next-generation behaviors – supporting our mission to ensure everyone can benefit from the physical and mental well-being that training offers.

阿迪达斯轻运动与训练系列总经理艾美·阿拉纳(Aimee Arana)表示:“我们很高兴能与莱美这个健康与健身领域的经典品牌进行合作。通过本次合作,我们可以更好地拥抱新技术,充分利用线下训练的优势,提升数字化服务水平,从而赋能adiClub会员。而我们在训练服饰鞋履与配件方面的最新创新成果也将提供有力地支持。展望此次合作的未来,我们十分期待打造出全新独特的训练体验,将其融入下一代的运动生活中,以期实现我们的愿景,即确保每个人都能通过训练收获身心双重健康。

At the heart of this collaboration is the commitment to our shared values, and we’re looking forward to accelerating the quality of live and in-home fitness and tailored regimes with Les Mills for our adidas community, no matter where they are based.”


Clive Ormerod, Les Mills CEO, says:“The brand partnership with adidas will redefine fitness for the next generation of training fans, driven by our focus on innovation, connection, and motivation. We will elevate the training experience by combining the best of live and digital to meet people where, when, and how they want. By placing the community at the heart of all we do, we can inspire millions to be more active, and make good on our mission to create a fitter planet.”

莱美首席执行官克里夫·奥默罗德(Clive Ormerod)也表示:“本次与阿迪达斯的品牌合作建立在我们对创新、强化社群链接与振奋人心的执着追求之上,旨在为Z世代训练爱好者重新定义健身。我们将通过结合线上与线下的独特优势,提升训练体验,满足人们对运动地点、时间与方式的不同要求。社群是我们一切行动的中心,我们希望激励成千上万的人们变得更积极,共同打造一个更加健康的世界。”

阿迪达斯与莱美LES MILLS官宣全新品牌合作,开启健身训练新纪元

The partnership will provide world-leading training experiences through digital innovation, while also delivering next-level live workout events in key cities across the globe. October 2022’s LES MILLS LIVE London event, supported by adidas, set the tone with 5,000 attendees uniting for one of the largest group workout events ever staged, and the first to be filmed in virtual reality. Throughout 2023, adidas and Les Mills will continue to push the boundaries by creating an enhanced athlete journey for live fitness, with events taking place in Singapore, Los Angeles, Stockholm, Paris, Barcelona, and other global cities.

双方将通过数字化创新技术提供世界领先的训练体验,同步在全球重点城市推出全新升级的线下训练活动。2022年10月,在阿迪达斯的支持下,莱美伦敦健身巡演(LES MILLS LIVE London)盛大开启,现场集结了5000多名观众,成为史上规模最大的健身活动之一,也是首个通过虚拟现实进行拍摄的健身活动。2023年,阿迪达斯与莱美将共同助力健身训练爱好者开启更精彩的线下健身之旅,计划于新加坡、洛杉矶、斯德哥尔摩、巴黎、巴塞罗那、北京、上海等全球重点城市开展系列健身活动,持续开拓健身训练的无限可能。

The Les Mills edit of the latest innovation in training apparel, footwear and accessories from adidas will be available at [INSERT MARKET LINK FROM SEO TEAM: https://www.adidas.XX/training. SEE IN APPENDIX BELOW]

adidas x Les Mills最新合作系列训练服饰、鞋履与配件即将上线。更多详情请前往adidas官方应用程序、adidas官方微信小程序、adidas官方商城以及指定零售店。


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